4th of July

Segunda, 4 de julho de 2022

4th of July

What do you know about this date?

1) Where was the first celebration of Independence Day held?
2) Which president of the United States was the first to host a Fourth of July celebration at the White House?
3) Every Independence Day, how many times does the Liberty Bell ring?
4) Every July 4th, what food is most commonly consumed?

Now, let's get to know a little about the history of independence?

The Independence of the United States was declared on July 4, 1776 and ended the colonial bond that existed between the Thirteen Colonies and England. With this achievement, the United States became the first nation on the American continent to have its independence.

The independence was a result of the divergence of interests that existed between the metropolis (England) and the Thirteen Colonies. Some factors that led to independence were: tax increases, new laws, protests, among others.

With this, the colonists began to consider independence and the First Continental Congress of Philadelphia was organized. In it, a document was written to the English king declaring loyalty, but protesting against some laws. The king then ordered the number of soldiers in the colony to increase. With this measure, the first armed conflicts between colonists and English troops took place.

Then, the Second Continental Congress of Philadelphia was held. At that congress, the colonists came to the conclusion that it was no longer possible to remain under English colonial rule. Then, the Declaration of Independence of the United States was elaborated, published on July 4, 1776.



A Independência dos Estados Unidos foi declarada no dia 4 de julho de 1776 e colocou fim ao vínculo colonial que existia entre as Treze Colônias e a Inglaterra. Com essa conquista, os Estados Unidos transformaram-se na primeira nação do continente americano a ter sua independência.

A independência a foi resultado da divergência de interesses que existia entre a metrópole (Inglaterra) e as Treze Colônias. Alguns fatores que levaram a independência foram: aumento de impostos, novas leis, protestos, dentre outros.

Com isso, os colonos começaram a cogitar a independência e foi organizado o Primeiro Congresso Continental da Filadélfia. Nele, foi redigido um documento ao rei inglês declarando lealdade, mas protestando contra algumas leis. O rei então, determinou que o número de soldados na colônia aumentasse. Com essa medida, os primeiros conflitos armados entre colonos e tropas inglesas aconteceram.

Em seguida, foi realizado o Segundo Congresso Continental da Filadélfia. Nesse congresso, os colonos chegaram à conclusão de que não era mais possível manterem-se sob o domínio colonial inglês. Elaborou-se então, a Declaração de Independência dos Estados Unidos, publicada no dia 4 de julho de 1776.

Answers: 1) Philadelphia; 2) Thomas Jefferson; 3) 13; 4) Hot dogs.